Posted: 02/03/22 | February 4th, 2022

Miami is a party city. There are just no two ways about it. people come here to get wild, check out nightclubs, lounge on the beach, and drink the nights away. While it’s not a city I particularly love, even I’ll admit they know how to have fun here.

I’ve been visiting Miami for years. There are a lot of things to consider when selecting a hostel here. The top four when picking the best hostel in Miami are:

Location – Miami is substantial and it can take some time to get around. pick a place that is central to the sites and nightlife you want to see. All the hostels listed here are in central locations.

Price – In Miami, you really get what you pay for, so if you go with a really low-cost one, you’re probably going to get a hostel that is small, cramped, and doesn’t offer terrific service.

Amenities – Every hostel in the city offers free Wi-Fi and many include free breakfast but if you want more than that, be sure to do your research to find the hostel that best meets your needs!

Staff – All the hostels listed here have amazing staff! They are super friendly and knowledgeable. even if you don’t end up staying at one of the places listed below, be sure to look up reviews to ensure you end up somewhere where the staff is valuable and friendly! They can make or break a hostel!

To help you plan your trip, here is my list of the hostels in Miami that I like the most. If you don’t want to read the longer list below, the following hostels are the best in each category:

Best Hostel for budget Travelers: Generator
Best Hostel for Families: Generator
Best Hostel for Solo female Travelers: Viajero Miami
Best Hostel for digital Nomads: Freehand Miami
Best Hostel for Partying: Viajero Miami
Best overall Hostel: Generator

Want the specifics of each hostel? Here’s my comprehensive list of the best hostels in Miami:

Price legend (per night)

$ = Under $35 USD

$$ = $35-45 USD

$$$ = Over $50 USD

1. Freehand Miami

For a budget-friendly hostel, Freehand Miami really goes above and beyond. They have a pool, yoga classes, shuttles to little Havana, and tours to key West and the Everglades (among other places). It’s an upbeat hostel with two bars on-site and is just 5 minutes from the beach. It’s a good choice for travelers who want a social hostel but one that isn’t too wild. just be sure to bring earplugs as you can sometimes hear the noise from the street.

Freehand at a glance:


Organizes lots of tours and events

Easy to meet people

Bar and pool

Beds from $37 USD a night.

Book Freehand Miami here!

2. Viajero Miami

This self-proclaimed design hostel is the first U.S. location in the Viajero (Spanish for “traveler”) chain, a Latin American group of hostels. located in South Beach’s Art Deco district, Viajero Miami brings the same Latin flair to the city that is typically called “the capital of Latin America.”

Viajero offers a host of amenities, with a library co-working space and not one but three artfully designed swimming pools. The poolside bar is a terrific place to hang out and meet people (while enjoying one of their specialty cocktails). It’s also located just a block from the beach! choose from a variety of rooms, from hostel dorm beds all the way up to a penthouse suite.

Viajero at a glance:


3 swimming pools

Co-working space

Bar and restaurant

Beds from $49 USD a night, private rooms from $199 USD.

Book Viajero here!

3. Generator Miami

This hostel is awesome. They have a pool, two restaurants, a bar, and are just minutes away from the beach. It’s a enormous hostel (there are 8 floors), the beds are more comfortable than the low-cost ones you’ll find at the party hostels, and the place is kept clean. They offer bike rentals, private rooms (including rooms for families), and have tons of common areas throughout the hostel. It’s not a super social hostel (they don’t organize a lot of events), making it a good choice for anyone looking for time alone or who needs to get work done.

Generator at a glance:


Great for families

Pool and restaurant

Clean and comfy dorms

Beds from $35 USD a night, rooms from $109 USD.

Book Generator here!

4. Selina Gold Dust

Selina Gold dust is housed in a former 1950s roadside motel that’s been renovated and turned into this retro-style hostel. like most hostels in Miami, there’s an outdoor pool, at which Selina frequently hosts events like yoga classes, live DJs, comedy shows, and even movie nights. It’s a amazing spot to hang out, with a nostalgic diner and bar on site as well.

Unlike most of the other hostels on this list though, Selina is not located in South Beach, but in Miami’s up-and-coming MiMo (Miami Modernist) design district. While you won’t be on the beach, you’ll be closer to the museums and art galleries.

Selina Gold dust at a glance:


Swimming pool

Restaurant on-site

In MiMo District

Beds from $47 USD a night, private rooms from $140 USD।

सेलिना SALINE SO SOL धूलो यहाँ!

Tra। उष्णकक्सक होटल र होस्टेल

यो होस्टल दक्षिण बीचको बीचमा छ, समुद्र किनारमा एक ब्लक। जबकि त्यहाँ साझा साझा क्षेत्रहरू छन्, यो सामाजिकरणको लागि एक पार्टी होस्टेलको कम हो र जौंसम्मको आरामदायी स्थानमा कम हुन्छ (यद्यपि यो अझै मियामीको नाइटली दृश्यको मुटुमा छ)। मियामीमा एक जना पुरानो होस्टेल मध्ये एकको रूपमा, कोठामा आधारभूत हो तर एयर-कन्डिसन छ र सधैं सफा राख्छ। त्यहाँ एक साझेदारी गरिएको बाहिरी भान्छाका साथै ओलम्पिक आकारको पौंडी पोखरी छ। त्यहाँ 4-BID DORES (महिला-मात्रर्ग केवल dorms सहित) र निजी कोठा उपलब्ध छन्।

उष्णकक्सक होटल र होस्टल एक नजरमा:


पौडी खेल्ने पोखरी

बाहिरी भान्छा

महिला-मात्र छात्रावासहरू

ओछ्यानमा ओछ्यान $ 54 बाट एक रात, निजी कोठा 1 $ 1 000 अमेरिकी कोठा।

उष्ण कटिबन्धन यहाँ छ!

जबकि मियामीमा अन्य होस्टलहरू छन्, मेरो विचारमा सबै भन्दा राम्रो छनौटहरू छन्। चाहे तपाईं पार्टीलाई हेरिरहनु हो वा केवल एक रात खर्च गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ, तपाईं तपाईंलाई चाहिने कुरा पाउन, पैसा बचत गर्नुहोस्, र एक आश्चर्यजनक भ्रमण गर्नुहोस्!

तपाईंको यात्रा मियामीलाई पठाउनुहोस्: लगइनिकल सल्लाहहरू र युक्तिहरू
तपाईंको उडान किताब
स्लोबीकननर प्रयोग गरेर कम लागत उडान फेला पार्नुहोस्। तिनीहरू मेरो मनपर्ने खोज ईन्जिन हुन् किनभने उनीहरूले वेबसाइटहरू र विश्वभरि एयरलाइन्सहरू खोज्न सक्छन् ताकि तपाईंलाई सँधै थाहा छैन कुनै ढु stone ्गा हानिकारक छोडियो!

तपाईंको आवास बुक गर्नुहोस्
तपाईं होस्टेलवर्ल्डको साथ तपाईंको होस्टल बुक गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। यदि तपाईं कहिँ रहन चाहनुहुन्छ भने, बुकिंग.कट प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् जब उनीहरू लगातार गिग्नेजहरू र कम-लागत होटेलहरूको लागि सस्तो दरहरू फिर्ता गर्छन्।

यात्रा बीमा बिर्सनुहोस्
यात्रा बीमाले तपाईंलाई रोग, चोट, चोरी, र रद्दहरूको बिरूद्ध सुरक्षा दिन्छ। यो केहि गलत छ भने निश्चित सुरक्षा हो। म विगतमा धेरै पटक यसलाई प्रयोग गर्नुपर्नेछ जस्तो कि बिना कुनै पनि यात्रामा जान्छु। म 10 बर्षसम्म विश्व घुमाउरो प्रयोग गर्दैछु। मेरा मनपर्ने कम्पनीहरू जसले उत्तम सेवा र मान प्रस्ताव गर्छन्:

सुरक्षा विंग (सबैका लागि 700 भन्दा कमको लागि)

मेरो यात्रा बीमा (ती of0 भन्दा बढीको लागि)

पैसा बचत गर्न सबै भन्दा राम्रो कम्पनीहरूको खोजी गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ?
तपाईं यात्राको लागि उत्तम कम्पनीहरूको लागि मेरो स्रोत पृष्ठ जाँच गर्नुहोस् जब तपाईं यात्रा गर्नुहुन्छ! म सबै मानिसहरु लाई सूचीबद्ध गर्दछु जब म यात्रा गर्दछु म पैसा बचत गर्न प्रयोग गर्छु – र मलाई लाग्छ तपाईलाई पनि मद्दत गर्दछ!

भ्रमण गर्ने मियामीलाई थप जानकारी खोज्दै हुनुहुन्छ?
मेरो गहन गन्तव्यलाई जाँच गर्नुहोस् मियामीलाई थप सुझावहरू, के हेर्नको लागि, लागत, बचत गर्ने तरीकाले, र धेरै धेरै!

फोटो क्रेडिट: 2 – फ्रीहान्ड, – – Viajero मियामी, – – जेनेरेटर मियामी, – – ट्रयानाॉन्टिक्स होटल होस्टल र होस्टेल